
Pepe conquered the green, Pepebutblue is poised to skyrocket in the blue base chain

About Pepebutblue

The iconic green frog that took the crypto world by storm.Well, that's Pepe—the meme that transcended pixels and became a cultural phenomenon. But what if I told you there's a new frog in town—one that wears the color of the sky and dreams of soaring even higher? Introducing PEPEBUTBLUE in the blue base chain.

How to buy

Have some ETH in your wallet 

Bridge your Eth from Ethereum Network to Base Network Using

Just like Pepe’s loyal following, our community is passionate and engaged. We’re not just building a token; we’re creating a movement. Join us, and let’s make waves together.




No taxes, ​liquidity locked, contract ownership renounced. It’s that simple.



Why Pepebutblue?

 While Pepe rocks the classic green, Pepebutblue stands out in a mesmerizing shade of blue. Imagine the sky on a clear day, the ocean’s depths, or the electric glow of neon signs—our color represents boundless possibilities.

Unlike its predecessors, Pepebutblue thrives on a robust base chain. This means faster transactions, lower fees, and seamless interoperability. Say goodbye to sluggish networks; our blue frog leaps with agility!

Just like Pepe’s loyal following, our community is passionate and engaged. We’re not just building a token; we’re creating a movement. Join us, and let’s make waves together.

Pepebutblue isn’t content with the status quo. We’re aiming for the stars—the blue ones, of course! Our vision extends beyond memes; we’re here to redefine what’s possible in the crypto universe.

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